Clare House Retirement Village
PBS worked with Arrow International on a major expansion of Clare House Retirement Village, which is part of the Waikiwi Retirement Complex. The expansion included six individual units, along with a high care unit and was a large undertaking, at approx. $10 million for the stage one expansion.
PBS worked on all the mechanical services work across the project, including the installation of the heating, cooling and ventilation system which can be controlled from a central location. The individual units are all controlled by a VRF Mitsubishi Electric heating system. It’s a complex system with one central controller so that residents can be kept at an optimal temperature and have a healthy living environment. The project, including all building and other services, took approximately a year to complete and was across an area of 2500 square metres.
Nick Hamlin, from Arrow International, who headed up the project, gave some explanation of the scale of the project and PBS Plumbers and Building Services input;
‘A $10 million Stage 1 expansion of the Waikiwi retirement complex is underway and as it is only around the corner from PBS’s Bay Rd workshop, the team can be on site within minutes. The development covers an area of 2500 square metres and will add considerable additional accommodation and facilities for residents. Installing the mechanical services throughout this expansion, PBS has again been able to support the construction company Arrow International for another of their successful projects.’
We believe that your continued positive health and safety management on the project will make a difference not only whilst you are working on an Arrow International (NZ) Ltd project but also achieving legal and industry best practice.
Most of all, it’s a pleasure to have a subcontractor that takes the lead and overall ownership of the works that your project team is implementing. This makes a big difference to our site team.