
PowerNet is the elecricity network management company delivering power to Invercargill City, Southland, West Otago, parts of Central Otago and Stewart Island. PowerNet is the equivalent of the fifth largest network company in New Zealand, delivering electricity to around 69,000 consumers. PowerNet employs over 280 staff to develop, manage and maintain the network. They decided to go with PBS when they moved some of the network to Racecourse Road, Invercargill. PBS worked on the mechanical services side, installing an HVAC system to ensure the system doesn’t overheat and is well ventilated for safety and processing purposes.
PBS installed the Heat Ventilation Air Conditioning Systems in the new PowerNet Building in Racecourse Rd using all Mitsubishi Electric City Multi-Systems. With emphasis placed on energy efficiency, this system addresses the most current market issues and the installation has provided an adaptable and reliable system for PowerNet.